Saturday, November 14, 2009

starting this blog for my girls who are 8 and 6. The oldest is black with soft, but kinky hair. The youngest is half black and half white with tight, but very soft curls. I bought a book 5 years ago called "it's all good hair" to help me with Tiffin's hair. I adopted Tiff when she was 6 weeks old and her hair has been a struggle for me. I love her natural hair, but she would cry every time she saw the comb so I began the quest to find what was right for her and me. I used the book that showed me how to lock her hair. At the age of 3, I did it!!! I have had several people with locks or ethnic hair dressers stop me and ask who does her hair. I have been complimented on multiple occassions. I appreciate the compliments, but I believe I could use some help. She wants to wear her hair more ways than just down and due to her chewing on her hair and pulling the locks apart when she is nervous, we have had to trim so much hair and we aren't making much headway on them getting all one length so that they stay out of her face. She is such a beautiful girl and I want to give her the hair she wants. I am looking into sisterlocks and braidlocz and adding extensions so she can get the length she wants now. Please help